Please read the following information before filling out this form.
Scholarship information:
Subject to the availability of funds, each eligible camper will receive up to 75% of the cost of the approved camp. The maximum possible scholarship amount is $300.
In order to be eligible for this Camp Scholarship certain criteria must be met:
1. The parent/legal guardian of the student must complete and sign the scholarship application by March 30, 2025.
2. The applicant must be going into third grade or above, be a regular attender/participant in the MVBC AWANA program in the 2024-2025 school year OR the applicant must be a regular attender of the MVBC Sunday School program in the 2024-2025 school year.
3. Participation in fundraiser and elegibility to receive credit for working at a fundraiser is subject to completion of the application. There is no eligibility without the application, and no retroactive eligibility or credit will be given if an application is turned in after a fundraiser, regardless of participation.
Subject to the availability of funds, an eligible student will receive credit toward 25% of the cost of camp per fundraiser, up to a maximum of 75% of the total camp fee (maximum scholarship amount is $300, subject to availability of flunds). Each fundraiser participant or parent/legal guardian must complete a Fundraiser Tracker Form at the fundraiser and give it to the fundraiser leader in order to receive credit for participation.
At the time of application, a camp MUST be selected. By submitting this form, the parent/guardian acklowledges that they are responsible for the balance of the camp fee remaining after the scholarship is applied. The balance owing will be paid to the camp.
This form is NOT a camp registration and in no way guarantees acceptance to the camp.
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian Signature
By signing this electronic form, I agree to the terms listed above and acknowledge that I am responsible for any remaining balance owed to camp after scholarship amount is applied.